Sunday, July 12, 2009



---In this site it tells the viewer to use a reusable mug when getting hot drink, in small action that collectively has a big impact.

Reuseable Mugs
Campus Environmental Policies

How the university can adopt:
"If only 15 percent of college students used reusable mugs instead of disposable cups every day, we would eliminate more than a billion cups a year." When you use your reusable mug on campus and in the community you will save money. Our university must start implementing Campus Environmental Policies.


---In this site it tells the viewer to make saving energy resources and also human resources as well. Go digital instead of a print out.

The other day I got an email from a music organization asking me whether I wanted to get their newsletter digitally or continue to receive it in 'dead tree format'. Well, in addition to being a very effective way to get folks to convert to digital (who wants to get anything 'dead' in the mail?!) it got me to thinking about how technology is SUPPOSED to ultimately save time and resources.
By Dr. Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner

How the university can adopt:
I'm happy to say that our college in the University is adopting some of the ways stated in this site (the professors sends assignments digitally instead of as a print out.). But sadly not all college of the university are implementing it. I think making the school newsletter digitally can really save money, and also resources. It's really a thumbs up for me.. Smile


---In this site it tells the viewer What is Green Computing,What can we do to “green” our technology use, How can we change the computer’s settings to be more green, Some Facts about Power Management

What can I do to “green” my technology use?

* Enable power management on your computer.
* Power down the computer and monitor when not in use.
* Consider plugging your computer and peripherals into a power strip with an on/off switch and turn the entire power strip off when not in use.
* Think before you print. Do you really need a paper copy?
* Use recycled paper if possible
* Use Print Preview to review your job before printing it
* Print in black and white whenever possible.
* Print two-sided whenever possible.
* Reuse unnecessary print jobs as scratch paper.
* Advertise events, parties, etc. electronically or with chalk instead of print-outs.
* Recycle!
o Use the recycling bins around campus to recycle paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic
* Use email instead of faxes
* If it’s possible, download software from the web instead of purchasing a physical installation disc

How the university can adopt:
By simply using emails instead of faxes. Its one way helping our environment. And I think the university must adopt it.Also they must implement in the computer laboratory and in other offices of the university, to power down the computer specially the monitor when not in use.


Saturday, July 11, 2009


Short description about COMDDAP:
COMDDAP is an association of the country's top information technolgy businesses. Its primary objective is to promote the sustainable development of the of the country's information technology industry through voluntary collaboration of its member companies. It is the goal of COMDDAP to be able to provide its members general views and updates from different sectors - private and government, and highly regarded individuals to further uplift the morale and knowledge of its organization.

The vision of promoting and elevating the standards of Information technology (IT) in the Philippines fueled a group of prominent computer companies to form the Computer Distributors and Dealers Association of the Philippines or COMDDAP. Its initial member-companies represent the world's leading makers and providers of computer products, solutions and peripherals.

In 1997, the manufacturing sector - represented by industry leaders Hewlett Packard, Epson and Compaq, among others - was integrated into the COMDDAP membership, making the association a more diverse representation of the IT sector and thus the new name, COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES.
Since then, COMDDAP has been maintained and financed by its members through dues, fees, contributions or donations, and banner by these specific objectives:
* Promote the use of information technology and elevate its standards in the Philippines;
* Make computers affordable and available to the masses;
* Provide and create opportunities for users to develop themselves to their fullest potentials;
* Supply the market with quality products at reasonable prices with good after-sales support;
* To work closely with the government, the private sector and international entities in promoting the use of information technology;
* Provide a forum of discussion on matters relating to the compute industry; and
* Foster and cultivate harmony, cordiality and camaraderie among the members so that they can work together as one for the benefit of the industry.

Last Thursday- july2 and Friday- july3. COMDDAP was held at the APO view hotel, Vanda function room. I arrived at the convention around 1:30 pm. Since I scheduled my sessions at 2:00pm, I spend my vacant time looking on the exhibits.
The Exhibitors were the following:
*ADOBE- it is the name for industry-leading network publishing software.
With tools that help users create, manage, and deliver graphically rich content to anyone, anywhere, on any device.
Also the COREL was there which produces full- featured, easy to use productivity, graphics and digital imaging software
*ASIANTECH- is the exclusive distributor of PC components.
*ASTECH PENGSON DISTRIBUTORS, INC.- is one of the leading wholesale distributors of cmputer and office line.
*AUTODESK- CAD software applications for specific industries.
*CANON MARKETING PHILS. INC.- has been providing cutting- edge imaging products, solutions and services to aid its customer in producing superior quality and prints for more than a decade.
*METROPRENEUR TRADING- is a supplier, wholesaler and retailer of printer consumables and accessories.
*RSA SECURITY- has a portfolio of solutions- including identity and access management, secure mobile and remote access, secure enterprise access and secure transactions, they are all designed to provide the most seamless security experience in the market.
*CHASE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION- is the leading provider of the bar code, automatic data collection and business management solutions.
*MICRODAA SYSTEM & MANAGEMENT INC.- has been a professional audio-visual and document solutions company for over 29 years.
*REDWOOD VENTURES- has over 20 years of specialization in the field of high-end display devices.
*DANPRO COMPUTER INKING SYSTEM CO.- one of the major ink providers in Mindanao. It is the total inking Solutions Company geared towards providing premium quality bulk ink and continuous ink supply systems.
*MYSQL/CRYSTAL REPORTS- is popular in web applications and acts as the database component of the Lamp, BAMP, MAMP, and WAMP platforms
*SYMANTEC- software application like Norton Antivirus, Intrusion, and Firewall offer a new breed of security partnership that meets security needs intended for the whole system
*FOXCHIT BUSINESS SYSTEMS- is the pioneer total solutions provider of up to date point of sale (POS) systems and terminals.
*NEO MANUFACTURING & SERVICES- customizes and delivers products to satisfy a myriod of customer requirements, from home entertainment to businiess computing.
*TILL N’ LABELS SYSTEMS MARKETING- is a fast growing company that offers point of sale cash registers, software and peripherals, data collectors, bar code printing machines and price labelers.
*GLEE ELECTRONICS, INC- is a distributor of high quality branded products such as hard drives, motherboards and processor, external storage devices, memory modules and flash drives. It is the exclusive distributor of AOC monitors – the number one PC monitor brand in the Philippines.
*NG KHAI DEVELOPMENT CORP.- provides ICT infrastructure, solutions and digital lifestyle products and services.
*TRINITY MARKETING- one of the major distributors of computer peripherals, office and school supplies. It is exclusive distributor of Fullmark products such as inkjet refills and cartridges, fax imaging film, photo paper and other consumables.
*WORDTEXT SYSTEM. INC.- distributes only the best branded IT products in the hardware and software categories.
*MCAFEE- is the leading provider of anti-virus and intrusion prevention solutions
*NOVELL- is a global leader in providing enterprise class solutions and support for commercial and open source software, infrastructure software and sevices or over 20years in 43 countries.

I joined the following sessions on July 2, 2009 (Thursday):
*The HP Thin Clients that was during 2:00pm up to 3:00pm
*Retail Management System Overview that was during 3:00pm up to 4:00pm
*Open Source for Business Application that was during 4:00pm up to 5:00pm

During the HP Thin Client Session:(By Nexus Technology Inc.)
In all the session this was my favorite because the speaker was giving away flash drives at the end of his presentation. Sad to think I was not able to have one because I was not luckily called to answer his question. But I enjoy the session I learn new things about the presentation.

Thin Clients are computing devices that function as an access device on a network.
They discuss this following business issues and also what were the solutions of the thin Client:
*Desktop replacement cost
*Network security
*Supporting application software on diverse hardware
*Ensuring your data remains accessible and secure.

During the Retail Management System Overview: (By: Nexus Professional Services and Solutions (NPSS))
I can relate on the topics presented by this session. It was all about the management system in business.

The Philippine retail industry continues to thrive despite the global financial crisis. Retailers challenge with multi-branch servicing cost need a scalable solution to bring sales orders to each branches, promote inter brand stock sharing and send sales information to the head office seamlessly.
Find out how you can have enterprise-class tools to analyze data at a fraction of the cost. The need for timely business information helps you improve your bottom line, restore order to multi- branch stores and meet geographical challenges.

During the Open Source For Business Application: (By: Spinweb Productions, Inc.)
In this session I learned many things, like the difference between open source and free source. It made me had an idea also in going to open source.

As companies cut IT spending by up to 10 percent, its income generating prospects need not suffer. Open Source development of business application has proven to lower acquisition costs, and decrease vendor lock-in reliance and obsolescence rate so that even commercial software giants have acknowledge the rise of this technology by allowing interoperability.
Discover how the use of Internet- based Open Source platforms is a viable alternative for developing systems such as corporate, e-commerce, CRM, employment, publishing and collaborative sites.

The activity was a great experience. It made us students be updated to some technology in this generation.


automated elections

Very Happy
Republic Act No. 9369 January 23, 2007

What is Automated election system? According to the Republic Act No. 9369 Section 2. Automated election system, hereinafter to as AES - a system using appropriate technology, which has been demonstrated in the voting, counting, consolidating, canvassing, and transmission of election result, and other electoral process. The data is transferred by Electronic transmission it convey data in electronic form from one location to other. The Official ballot where AES is utilized, refers to the paper ballot, whether printed or generated by the technology applied, that faithfully captures or represents the votes cast by a voter recorded or to be recorded in electronic form.
The Philippines is using this types of system during election:
* Paper-based election system - a type of automated election system that use paper ballots, records and counts votes, tabulates, consolidates/canvasses and transmits electronically the results of the vote count
*Direct recording electronic election system - a type or automated election system that uses electronic ballots, records, votes by means of a ballot display provided with mechanical or electro-optical component that can be activated by the voter, processes data by means of a computer programs, record voting data and ballot images, and transmits voting results electronically.

I think it will have the following positive impacts; First, Less expenses and reduces election violence because there will be no ballot boxes that will be transfer every now and then. Second, eliminate the delay that would be possible for cheating between ballot tallying and preparation of election returns. Third, lessen the possible for cheating at ballot reading, tallying and also human error

I mention in the third part that in the automated election it will lessen the possible for cheating at ballot reading, tallying. But I think there will be still cheating during the election period. Cheating can be lessen but cannot be remove. Like for example, cheating before was in the form of violence, using guns to threaten the teacher, and the volunteers, in the automated election it will shift to hacking the transmittal of election results from one place to another.

Section 7 of Republic Act No. 8436 is hereby amended to read the follows:
The automated election system must at least have the following functional capabilities.
(a) Adequate security against unauthorized access:
(b) Accuracy in recording and reading of votes as well as in the tabulation, consolidation/canvassing, electronic transmission, and storage of results;
(c) Error recovery in case of non-catastrophic failure of device;
(d) System integrity which ensures physical stability and functioning of the vote recording and counting process;
(e) Provision for voter verified paper audit trail;
(f) System auditability which provides supporting documentation for verifying the correctness of reported election results;
(g) An election management system for preparing ballots and programs for use in the casting and counting of votes and to consolidate, report and display election result in the shortest time possible;
(h) Accessibility to illiterates and disable voters;
(i) Vote tabulating program for election, referendum or plebiscite;
(j) Accurate ballot counters;
(k) Data retention provision;
(l) Provide for the safekeeping, storing and archiving of physical or paper resource used in the election process;
(m) Utilize or generate official ballots as herein defined;
(n) Provide the voter a system of verification to find out whether or not the machine has registered his choice; and
(o) Configure access control for sensitive system data and function.
"In the procurement of this system, the Commission shall develop and adopt an evaluation system to ascertain that the above minimum system capabilities are met. This evaluation system shall be developed with the assistance of an advisory council."

According to Rico Mossesgeld these are the risks during the election period and I agree in this factors:
“There are Risk Factors”
Software - The software used all throughout the process, from ballot reading all the way to returns tallying, must be open for public scrutiny. It may not be proprietary and secret.
Devices - Ballots and computers used throughout may fail. Backup/contingency plan must exist and be robust. Sabotage could be the way cheating will be introduced, in order to force reverting to manual process.
Architecture - Transmittal and reporting of results could be susceptible to hacking. instant public visibility of results as counted at source and as transmitted at receipt will mitigate threats of hacking.
User - Voting needs to be simple and straightforward. Many Filipinos are not computer literate, and barely literate. PEBKAC errors can lead to many spoiled ballots, which may either be invalidated like in the US, or can be used as a pretense to revert to manual.

Of course automated election is a step to improve our election process. Every change we made have its good and bad impacts. And new system is part of the things we must implement to change the traditional election process.
If I am going to compare the manual and the automated, for me automated has more advantages than the manual.
For me, in this critical issues, we must be open minded on the new technology that are fast changing in our community, to make our work faster than before, much less error than before. The anomalies they are talking, discussing, arguing this past few weeks are normal. For me, no matter how perfect the system is, if the users or the facilitator of the system have some bad plan for the system, anomalies comes next in line.

We must all pray and hope that during election period there will be no power interruption in all the precincts so that the first automated election I the Philippines will be successful and less doubt to all the Filipino people.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The risks associated with business and IS/IT change

What do you think are the risks associated with business and IS/IT change?

First what is risk? According to Steve Elky, “Risk is the potential harm that may arise from some current process or from some future event. Risk is present in every aspect of our lives and many different disciplines focus on risk as it applies to them

In the IT perspective, risk is the process of understanding and responding to factors that may lead to a failure in the confidentiality, integrity or availability of an information system.

The Information System helps ensure that business systems deliver value and that the risks inherent in using technology are managed. Technology enables rapid global business growth and advancement. It is also a major source of business risk. Measuring and improving Information System is a constant challenge. Performance must be measurable to determine that the investment in IT is properly managed, technology risks are appropriately controlled, and a baseline for improvement is established.

According to G.K.Choksi & Co.'s, “Risks change. Priorities change. People and processes change. When that happens, your business becomes exposed—unless you have a sustainable approach to risk management.”

“Often, what is missing is an effective dialog between the corporate level and the IT function. When this is supported by an investment appraisal and performance monitoring, the organization can have a clearer understanding of the benefits IT brings to the business.”

“In addition, business events such as transactions and restructuring will change the overall IT requirement. Clients then need to reappraise management and sourcing decisions.”

The company I’ve visited was Marco Polo Davao. Visitor’s information to their website that avail the services of the company were automatically collected through the standard operation of the internet servers and through the use of "cookies". "Cookies" are small text files a web site can use to recognize repeat users, facilitate the user's ongoing access to and use of the site and allow a site to track usage behavior and compile aggregate data that will allow content improvements and targeted advertising. Cookies are not programs that come onto a system and damage files. Generally, cookies work by assigning a unique number to each customer that has no meaning outside the assigning site. If visitors do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows a customer to deny or accept the cookie feature; however, visitors should note that cookies may be necessary to provide customers with certain features (e.g., customized delivery of information) available on the company web site.

At its core, the Marco Polo Hotels holds the following values and beliefs:

Exceptional Service - We understand that the value can be created with every encounter and this is reflected in our superior standard of service.

Integrity - We are honest and straightforward in our interactions with our owners, guests, colleagues and the communities in which we operate.

Respect - We respect the objectives of our stakeholders, the values of our guests, and the cultural difference in the locations that we operate.

Teamwork and Passion - We bring our individual expertise, creativity and passion for our industry as a Marco Polo team member. This sets us apart and is the essence of the Marco Polo Way.

Continuous Improvement - We are innovative and utilize best practices to continually improve our management techniques, and the quality of our products and services.

Based on the organization I’ve visited “The Marco Polo Davao”, for me I think this large type of company is less to risks. But then, all organizations have limited resource and risk can never be reduced to zero.

The Security, Privacy, Confidentiality were the risks that are associated with business and IS/IT change. In today's business environment, the reputation of a business, indeed it's existence, can be impacted significantly by the strength of the security, privacy and business continuity mechanisms it has in place.

Investing in the proper technology is the key to success. Remember that IS/IT when done right can truly add to your business by adding to productivity and efficiency of the day to day operations and can help you take on more clients and over all help you build your business. For me, it is important to manage risk in a business or organization to protect the mission and assets of the company. Also, a decision is a big part in a company because it may result in inappropriate investments in or poor implementations of new systems.

In summary, success and effective risk management is the basis of successful and effective IT security. Due to the reality of limited resources and nearly unlimited threats, a reasonable decision must be made concerning the allocation of resource to protect systems. Risk management practices allow the organization to protect information and business process commensurate with their value. To ensure the maximum value of risk management, it must be consistent and repeatable. Establishing and utilizing an effective, high quality risk management process and basing the information security activities of the organization on this process will lead to an effective information security program in the organization.
